Interview with Dietitian Maya Bach: Insights into Plant-Based Pregnancy and Growing a Business with Parsnip

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Maya Bach, an experienced dietitian who specializes in plant-based nutrition for prenatal and postpartum wellness. Maya, who has recently become a client of Parsnip, shared valuable insights into maintaining a healthy, plant-based pregnancy and how our partnership app has helped her business flourish.

Maya Bach photographed during the interview

Emily Hines (EH): Maya, thank you for joining me today. Could you start by telling us a bit about your journey into plant-based nutrition and how that led to working with pregnant women?

Maya Bach (MB): Absolutely! My journey into plant-based nutrition began years ago, fueled by a personal interest in health and sustainability. As I learned more about the profound benefits of a plant-based diet, particularly for women during pregnancy, I knew this was the area where I could make the most impact. I’ve always believed that with the right guidance, plant-based nutrition can support a healthy pregnancy for both mom and baby. This passion has shaped my practice and led to my decision to offer specialized support for women navigating plant-based pregnancies.

EH: That's incredible. Transitioning to such a specific niche must have had its challenges. How did you first hear about Parsnip, and how has it helped you grow your business?

MB: I first heard about Parsnip through a fellow dietitian who mentioned how it helped her find the right collaborations to expand her business. I was intrigued because I had been looking for ways to scale my services and connect with like-minded brands. Joining Parsnip has truly been a game-changer for my practice. Their partner app made it easy for me to discover other businesses in the wellness space that align with my values, and through these partnerships, I’ve been able to expand my reach and offer new, exciting resources to my clients.

EH: I love hearing that! So, for our readers who might not be familiar, what are some of the common questions or concerns you get from expectant mothers about plant-based diets during pregnancy?

MB: Oh, there are so many! But a few recurring questions I often hear are: "Will a plant-based diet provide enough protein and essential nutrients for my baby?" and "Is it safe to continue a vegan or vegetarian diet while pregnant?" The short answer is yes, a plant-based diet can be incredibly nourishing during pregnancy with the right planning. I guide my clients through balancing their meals with essential nutrients like iron, B12, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, ensuring they are supporting both their own health and the health of their baby.

EH: It sounds like you're answering some really important concerns. How do you help expectant mothers feel confident in their plant-based choices?

MB: Confidence comes from knowledge and support, which is why I take a very personalized approach with every client. I create custom meal plans, address any concerns they have about nutrient intake, and make sure they feel empowered to make decisions that are best for their bodies and their babies. And having the backing of strong partnerships, thanks to Parsnip’s partner app, has really enhanced what I can offer. Through those connections, I’ve been able to collaborate with brands that provide the best supplements, recipes, and prenatal wellness resources.

EH: That's fantastic! Speaking of which, how do you envision your business growing now that you're using Parsnip’s platform? What are your future plans?

MB: Parsnip has opened up so many doors for me in terms of brand partnerships. I'm currently collaborating with a few companies on plant-based supplements specifically designed for pregnant women, which is really exciting. The exposure through Parsnip has allowed me to build relationships that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Moving forward, I plan to continue expanding my services, possibly offering online workshops or collaborating on product lines that cater specifically to plant-based prenatal care. Parsnip’s partnership app will definitely continue to be a key part of that growth.

EH: That’s amazing, Maya! It’s great to hear how Parsnip has contributed to your journey. For anyone interested in plant-based prenatal care, how can they connect with you?

MB: The best way is through my website, where I offer consultations, meal plans, and resources for anyone considering or already maintaining a plant-based diet during pregnancy. Thanks to Parsnip, I also have a growing list of resources from some amazing partners that I’m excited to share with my clients.

And that concludes my conversation with Maya! I hope you found her insights valuable, especially for those navigating the world of plant-based pregnancies. Be sure to connect with her online, as her expertise is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in vegan prenatal nutrition. If you have any questions for Maya, feel free to leave them in the comments or reach out to her directly.

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